Well things have been a little slow lately but I'm gradually getting back into writing stuff - inasmuch as I've been home (bit of couch surfing still going on atm) and have been able to concentrate on writing.
Have a couple of stories on the go at the moment but none of them are done yet so they won't be up for a little while at least.
I have however (following by apparent need to continue delving deeper into the geekiness that other people I grew up with sort of tried to shelve) applied to participate in a play by post running under PDQ rules on the Something Awful Forums - first time i've done so, so if could be a laugh.
if you by chance want to read along (provided that I actually get in), you can do so here (my username is Trumbus obviously):
and if you are curious about what the hell PDQ actually is there is a guide here:
I forget whether or not I actually explained what play by post was last time - but just in case it's basically a text based role-playing game that takes place online (in this case on a forum) where each post is made from the perspective of a character in the story (which is set up and pulled along by a game master). Can be rather interesting with everyone bouncing off of each other and doing things that no-one expects.
Anyway, will be back with some actual stories sometime soon (promise)
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